Saturday 7 July 2012


i will be adding some E-books later on but once i do that i will notify all of you about it



Good Customer service leads to effective sales. Imagine you walk into a Bank to open an account and the CSO says he is too busy to attend to any customer at the time, the next thing you will do is that you will walk out and start thinking of opening an account somewhere else, thats how poor customer service robs businesses of clients. To run your Business well you need to exhibit politeness, perserverance and patience wtih clients, if you have a Receptionist or a Secretary, they have too be well trained to avoid your loosing clients because of poor employee training.
All businesses depend on Clients to run effectively, so without clients a business is dead, so Customers are why you are in Business so make sure they are treated with respect and remember respect is reciprocal thats why they the customers will respect you too when you do this.
So when outlining your business plans make sure good customer service is part of it. There must be Comfortable chair for customers to wait to see you there must be attended to in time and not kept waiting and all those small things that keep you in business.  


Stating up a new business entails taking a risk, but life is all about risks, and if you dont take risks then actually your not a human being, cause everyday we are taking risks.
There are things that make a business stand the test of time, a business needs a vision and a core ideology to succeed, if your running a business that has no well outlined plan then such a business is just floating. So when you open a new business the first thing you should consider is, how long am i going to run this business? what am i going to be dealing with and who? am i close to the appropriate market for my goods and services? Macdonalds id successful cause it has some o the worlds best real estate, it is located at the most exclusive places a  food franchise could be located. so they make a lot of sales, you cant open Harrods in the desert or in a Bush, who will come, I cant move the GLO headquarters to my Village, why because we site Businesses where they are supposed to be. Find the right location for your business and answer the questions above. before doing that.

This is a tense issue to many and the major excuse for not starting a Business for most Nigerians.
You have a job you have done for 50 to 10 years and zero savings, then when will you ever be self employed and live the life you want, Every business starts from some where you can start little with the savings you have, then from there, it will become big later on.
If you have a well laid out Business plan you can get sponsors for your startup, but you have to make your sponsors also see their own interest in the business  for example You want to do a song for your album and you need sponsors, the sponsors will use your songs for business or other wise, There are many ways of raising capital to start a Business you just have to do some research.


Have you ever thought of this before, how much of your time do you spend on developing your brain, In Nigeria the overall reading culture has waned seriously and the average Nigerian hardly reads. the few that read are reading newspapers!
Your 8 to 6 job is not developing your brain it is programming you to become a robotic employee where you will always be tied down to it. Entrepreneurs have time for research, they explore new opportunities everyday cause they have time, if you dont have time how will you develop your brain, some people get home after the days job at 11 o clock and imagine how tired they are at the end of the day. And they live like this for years, during these years they are getting older and at the end the money they were looking for they dont have it, the next thing they do is to start blaming the Government.
Most of the problems we have in Nigeria are as a result of poor time management, we had Independence in 1960, many countries that were lower than us back then are better than us now, because over the years they spent time developing their economy while we spent time fighting wars, today we are are trying to build a house on a bad foundation, The bad foundation refers to tribalism, corruption, distrust and poor human development capacity.
Well the above example is in the case of a country, in the case of a human being there is not much difference, you spend your young age in the rat race and you try to become an entrepreneur at the age of 70, when you are weak. They make us believe that you cant be a Millionaire at the age of 30 so you go back to your job and believe you will be a millionaire by 70, isnt that funny.
Please spend your time wisely, the rich spend the little time getting big things while you spend 1 month for a salary which will limit you to a certain life style.
let me tell you something, spend your money on things that will develop you, not on things that will weigh you down, you can live big later but for now get the basics straight.


The saying always goes " Birds of the same feather flock together"
A billionaire will never keep a broke person as a friend, the farthest he can go is to advice the broker person. To be successful in life you have to mind the friends you keep, If your friend makes you believe that without a 8 to 6 job you are doomed then i believe your dream of becoming rich is also doomed for keeping such a friend.
Friends in this article also refer to you close family associates, I have relatives who used to tell me that without education and a good job that life is useless, i believed it in my secondary school days, but when i left and got to the University, i read a lot of books that changed me, I believed that realising your potential in life is one thing and education is another thing, But you can streamline your talent with your education, which is very good.
When you keep friends always remember that there are optimistic friends and there are negative friends.
If you tell a pessimist that you are tired of a job and want to leave it to be on your own, he/she will tell you and even beg you not to leave the job, why? cause their brain is programmed for a job, and if you join the programming then you are destined for the rat race.
An optimist will tell you to leave the job and develop your self, and become and entrepreneur.

My question is , if you want to succeed in life which of these two type of friends should you keep?

you should know the answer by now.


Most of us, live our lives everyday, but we dont make anything out of it at the end of the day.
All human beings are born equal, but the successful ones are those make the right decisions at the right time, because there are decisions you can make in your life that you would have made ten years earlier and it would have helped you better.
lets look at somethings, the rich and the poor have the same amount of time, 24 hours in a day 7 days a week, but the rich put their time into things that profit them better with the little time they have, the poor or i should say the rat race contestants spend their time chasing after a risk free income by looking for jobs and when they get the job they feel secure from disaster, only for them to loose the job and start roaming around searching for jobs.
You can never explore your potentials when you are doing something you dont like, Tiger Woods would never have been a great golfer if he was working in a bank, Mike tyson would have not been known in boxing if he was a mechanic.
Answer the questions below

Have you discovered your talents?
What are your talents?
Are you developing your talents?
How are you developing them?

When you finish answering the above questions, weigh your self  welll and start thinking, LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE, who told if you leave your prone for disaster, well thats the Nigerian mentality, go to school graduate get a job, am tired of it i dont want to hear it again,
my own advice is use your brain , develop your self and the money will come.
There will be new  posts here everyday
Thank you